With families getting together at Easter time, it is always fun to have some Easter games to play. It adds some fun and memories for both kids and adults.
Some of these Easter games my sister and I’ve made up, some are “old” ones, and some have links to where they can be found. As I come across or “think up” new ones, I will update and add to this list.
You’ll notice a different version of the old-fashioned egg hunt which is turned into the “Bunny Banker”. Check it out and have fun with it!
Easter Games for Fun!
1. Bunny Hop
You will need….1 die, 12- 15 numbered paper slips (one set for each player), Paper carrots or stuffed bunnies.
Tape numbered paper slips on the floor each being one hop apart.
Players take turns and rolls the die. If it lands on an even number, they may “hop” 2 places forward on the numbered slips. If it lands on an odd number, they must “hop” back one . The first one to finish and reach the carrot, wins!
A large die was made from a gift box. Just color in the dots!
2. Throw Peter Rabbit into Mr. McGregor’s Garden or the Easter Basket
Take a small stuffed bunny and from a distance, try to land it in ‘Mr. McGregor’s garden” Use an Easter basket as the garden. Vary the distance according to age. Give each person 3-5 tries.
3. The Easter Bunny Banker
This idea is from my sister. Instead of more candy, fill the eggs with coins or slips of paper with a coin value. After finding the Easter eggs, they had to go to the “Bunny Banker” to cash in their coins for dollar bills. This gives good practice for counting money. The Bunny Banker was her husband sitting at a table all dressed in rabbit ears, nose and chewing on a carrot!
He kept saying, “What’s up, Doc?”! He was a greedy bunny wanting all the eggs and was willing to “pay” for them. The kids had fun counting their money slips to turn in for cash! Hopefully you can talk your husband or relative to play the greedy “Bunny Banker” role! The kids loved it!
4. Guessing Jar
Place candy, cotton balls (bunny tails) or small objects in a jar and have them guess the number contained in the jar . Keep the number under 100 for younger children.
5. Egg and Spoon Race
Kids hold an egg on a spoon and race to the finish line. (For older kids, use raw eggs; younger use hard-boiled or plastic)
Play this individually or use as a relay! If the egg drops, the player needs to pick the egg up, go back, and start over from the beginning or if using raw eggs, get a new one.
6. Egg Bowling
Fill plastic eggs with rice or sand and tape shut. Give each team a different color. From a distance, roll eggs to knock down plastic rabbit figures or bottles place in a row. Inexpensive figures from the dollar store will do. Each team member gets one turn. Score points for the number of bunny figures or bottles knocked down. The next team gets their turn. Play several rounds and tally the points.
Or……Play individually and give each person 3 tries.
Here’s another variation of this Easter Game
7. Steal the Egg
This game is very similar to Capture the Flag.
8. Pin the Tail on the Easter Bunny or Pin the Egg in the Basket
Free Easter Clipart
Play a version of “Pin the Tail on the Donkey”
Draw a bunny figure or basket and have kids blindfolded try to pin the tail on the bunny or land the eggs in the basket.
A ready-made game for Pin the Tail on the Bunny is available from…….

9. Easter Egg Toss
Play outside with a partner using either raw or hard-boiled eggs. Move back each time and see whose egg stays whole the longest!
10. Egg Scramble
Place an equal amount of each color plastic eggs in a large circle( for younger kids) or around in a designated area. Players have 3 minutes to find their color, only. (If you’re playing with a small group, give them two colors.) Count the number of their eggs found! (You need a large number of plastic eggs for this game!
11. Carrot Scavenger Hunt
Take a bag or two of individual carrots and hide them throughout the yard. Kids search for them and turn them in for a prize or money! Hey, no need to worry about carrots not found as they’ll get eaten by a real bunny! Warn the kids that they need to be washed before eaten! After all, carrots come from the ground so no need to waste them!
12. Egg Relay
Each team has a basket of plastic eggs at the start and an empty basket at the end. Teams need to pass the plastic eggs from one person to another. Any eggs that drop, must be returned to the starting basket. First team with all their eggs in the ending basket, wins!
Using lots of eggs makes this fast and fun!
13. “Hot” Hard-Boiled Egg – version of Hot Potato
Players sit in a circle and pass the egg quickly while the music is playing. When the music stops, the person holding the egg is “out”. Music starts again and play continues until there is one winner.
14. Treasure Hunt
Play this game in teams or as one group of kids. Clues are place in numbered plastic eggs. Starting with the first egg, the clue is read with a hint to where the next egg is located. Keep going with several clues until the last clue that tells where there are prizes for each child.
15. Egg Bocce Ball
Fill plastic eggs with sand or raw rice and glue together.(This gives them weight) Play with teams 2-3 (teams have the same color eggs) or individually (everyone needs a different color egg).
Have one white egg or ball be the “jack”. One team throws the “jack”. The object is to get your “egg” the closest one to the “jack” to score a point. Check the complete bocce ball rules.
16. Easter Bingo
Lots of free printable Easter Bingo cards!
More Easter Bingo Cards!
17. Pass the Easter Cup
This game is changable for any season by changing the paper cup theme. Each player gets a straw and passes the cup from one person to another using only the straw place in their mouth to pass the cup. To make it harder, use a bendable straw!
18. Duck Relay
Players need to squat, grab ankles and walk like a duck to get their eggs and bring them back to the basket. Play with a small amount of kids or play as a relay with more kids.
19. Egg and Spoon Race
To make this harder, do as a relay and pass the egg from spoon to spoon. If outside, use uncooked eggs. Inside, use hard-boiled or plastic eggs.
20. Easter Egg Roll
As an inside game, make a target area with painter’s tape on a wood/tile/concrete floor. Players need to roll the egg by blowing into a straw and directing it to the target area. This works on carpet, too, just not as easily.
Or……Play on a card table so players can move around the table to land the egg in the target area! This way, people don’t have to get down on the floor. Use a timer to see who gets it in the fastest. You may want to make this harder by giving them 3 eggs to get into the target area!
21. Easter Basket Memory
Load up an Easter Basket with all sorts of goodies. Put in little stuffed animals, plastic egg, candy, money, carrot, plastic fruit, and small toys, etc. Play this with teams, pairs or individually depending on the ages. Give them a few minutes to look at all the items in the basket. Next remove the basket and they need to write down the items they remember in the basket. Another variation is to remove only one item and teams take turns guessing as to which item is missing. If one team can’t name the item, the other team can steal the point by getting it right.
22. Bunny Tag
Each person has a “tail” (scarf). The tail is pushed into the waist of their shorts or pants so that the scarf is hanging out in back. The person that is “it” has to tag them by grabbing the “tail”. Kids then switch places and the new person that is “it” repeats the same.
23. Egg Basketball
Place a basket on a high object. From a “free throw line”, kids throw plastic eggs into the basket to score points. Play individually or with teams.
24. Oriental Trading has an inflatable bunny ear toss game.
Easter Bean Bag Toss Game, Egg Shaped Memory Cards, Easter Egg Popper Game, Jumping Bunnies and More……

25. Easter Pictionary
Use terms like: Easter eggs, basket, bunny, chick, grass, egg hunt, ducks, decorated eggs, cross, church, tomb, stone, angel, Jesus, risen…..
Do you know some other Easter Games that I could add? Let me know!
I’d love to hear how these games worked for your family!
Have fun, but remember that Easter is about the risen Jesus! Celebrate Him!
This post is linked to the following parties…..
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