I often work with a whole group of kids and whatever the project, it needs to be both easy, fun, and inexpensive. This Nativity Craft works well with a group of elementary kids because it fulfills those exact requirements that I mentioned.
Depending on how much time you have, the project can be shortened by preparing some of the pieces ahead of time. ( which I recommend) Precut the sticks and have a template made for the black foam piece. It mades it easier to do in a short timeframe. In the midst all the kid chatter, they got it done, and had fun making the craft, too!
Items needed:
1.Black foam sheets or black construction paper
2. Wooden Popsicle Sticks
3. Cotton Ball
4. .8 mm wooden beads
5. Sparkle dots (I found a sheet at Dollar Tree)
6, Hay ( shredded colored paper or shredded tissue paper)
7. Tacky Glue or Glue Gun

- First, pre-cut the wooden popsicle sticks at a 45 degree angle. Four larger ones measure 2 1/4″ from rounded end to the longest cut tip. The two shorter ones measure 2″ long.
- Next, using a template for the manger, trace and cut out of the black foam. Kids can easily trace a pre-made pattern on the black or have these precut for them to use. It depends on the time factor that you have with the kids. Dimensions are: Base: 4 inches, sides are 2 1/4 inches.
- Glue the four longer sticks on the outside and top of the manger.
- The two smaller sticks criss-cross for the manger.
- Now, add the “hay”. Use crumpled shredded paper, real hay, or whatever you find that looks like hay.
- Also, form the cotton ball to look like a baby in a blanket and glue the wooden bead on for the head.
- Glue all the pieces on the manger and add the stars. The sparkle dots can form the big star and single ones can be added, too.
- At the end, glue a piece of yarn on the back for a hangar.
- Finally, hang on the tree and celebrate the real reason for the season!

See how easy and inexpensive this is to do?
Enjoy other posts for Nativity Crafts here .
Also, enjoy Best Nativity Crafts.
Enjoy! Remember the real reason for the season!