The Bleeding Heart Flower and the Cinderella Story

The Pink Bleeding Heart, one of my favorite flowering plants, is one of the first plants to bloom in the spring. It has lovely, heart-shaped flowers that are arrayed along arching stems like a string of pearls. It has a drop at the bottom that makes it seem to be bleeding. Let me tell you “The Story of the Bleeding Heart Flower” and “The Story of Cinderella” that lies within the flower.

The Bleeding Heart Flower and the Story of Cinderella

My mother told this story to me, I told it to my children and grandchildren as well. You may want to tell it to your children, too.

Once upon a time, there was a young girl named Cinderella. She lived with her mean stepmother and step-sisters. They treated her so poorly that she felt like her heart would break from their treatment of her.

One day, a handsome price decided to have a ball and invite all the girls of the land. He wanted to find a beautiful girl to be his bride. Cinderella dreamed of going to the ball, wearing a beautiful ball gown with a puffy top, just like the pink part of the Bleeding Heart Flower.

When we carefully take apart the flower, we see more of the story inside.

The night of the ball, the stepmother and step-sisters left early, all dress in their party finery. Cinderella stayed home alone. The mice and bunnies kept her company.

The Bleeding Heart Flower and the Story of Cinderella

Suddenly, the fairy godmother appeared and with her magic wand and she dressed Cinderella in the beautiful ball gown she had dreamed of wearing.

The Bleeding Heart Flower and the Story of Cinderella

Her two pet bunnies hopped in delight.

Next, two lovely glass slippers were placed on Cinderella’s feet.

The Bleeding Heart Flower and the Story of Cinderella

Lastly, a pair of beautiful earrings appeared on her dainty ears.

The Bleeding Heart Flower and the Story of Cinderella

With another wave of the magic want, Cinderella was off to the ball. She met the prince, and they danced until midnight. And the rest of the story you ask?

The Bleeding Heart Flower and the Story of Cinderella

Well, as in all fairy tales, they lived happily ever after!

The Bleeding Heart Flower and the Story of Cinderella


There is a Japanese version of the Bleeding Heart Story, but it has a tragic ending and I prefer the one I pictured to tell to children.

Have fun telling this sweet version to your children.



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